Any licensed user of Quarterly Express Plus can create a batch of 1099's and submit them to Lewis Software Associates for e-file.  We support all of the 21 types of 1099's supported by the IRIS system and you don't need to have your own TCC or any other requirements to file.  A video below shows how to accomplish this function in our software. 

Video for Creating a Batch of 1099's and e-filing them indirectly through Lewis Software

Pricing for Indirect Filing

1099 Pricing Information

  • 1099 Batch Submission (9 or less forms) $3.50 per return.
  • 1099 Batch Submission (10-24 forms) 8% discount per return
  • 1099 Batch Submission (25-49 forms) 15% discount per return
  • 1099 Batch Submission (50-199 forms) 25% discount per return
  • 1099 Batch Submission (200-499 forms) 30% discount per return
  • 1099 Batch Submission (500+ forms) 40% discount per return